Thursday, May 29, 2008

Friends . . . they surround me with inspiration and affirm my life.

Friends are our chosen gifts in life. Some have been with us since childhood or school days. Some came into our lives during times of spiritual growth or life changing events. We find ourselves attracted to certain people as our lives unfold and we seem to choose friends who support who we are and how we see ourselves. We choose them also, because we feel love and connection in their presence. There are those who even replace our scattered families and perhaps there will be one at our deathbed holding our hand. Friendships are a vital part of being human. Without them, life could never be the same.

I met my friend Patricia during a spiritual renewal years ago, a time of life that invigorated both us and our spouses as well as the new community we formed. Her essence has never changed, yet she continues to grow in age and grace. No stranger to strife nor suffering, she has transformed her wounds into healing hands and shamanic gifts for the benefit of so many.

Perhaps you'll feel her spirit here in my poem for her:

Patricia Fair of Heart

I have seen you enter
that space reserved for few,
silent, protected by the Light.

On your palms, the stars rest
a token mark that claims you
for the good of all.

You have journeyed with the cross
mountains high and rivers deep
furrowed places in your heart.

Echoes of the goddess song
are resonating deep within waiting
to unravel your spirit ribbons.

Can you see now?
The time is near, the season has arrived
for blessings of the Holy One.

Long enough this walk on stone
long enough the yearning to be free
and light as the heron . . .

Muse bird of the gods
the long legged one who slices water
unannounced with mystic dance.

So for you, the gift of healing
for you, the gift of light
for you, this song on heron's wings.

Joanne Cucinello © 2007

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