I've often wondered what my life would be, had I never followed the wind that blew through my soul. Somehow I learned very early that something else existed within me, something undeniably real yet intangeable. I believe it to be my spirit, my spirit . . . which is one of many, a seed of God.
My life took many turns and roads appeared, forked always, along the way. Decisions, that would change me forever, the yes's and no's that opened and closed the doors before me . . . were prompted by this spirit and so made my life. The breath of God keeps me alive to do what I was born for, and that is . . . to share my words, my light and my love. I am just one, one of many lights, many loves and many words . . . but I am Me.
And so Spirit, move me . . .
Stand there
at the mirror
try it at dawn
try it fresh rolled out
of covers' warmth.
Get past the outer shell
that like the sun
rises with a new light daily.
Get past the drool
that's stuck to your morning lip.
Get past it all!
Go to the eyes,
deep into them.
You'll find what never changes . . .
those eyes, reflecting your soul.
Joanne Cucinello 2008
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