I've always found myself drifting back to the teachings of Joseph Campbell, since his work in Mythology is unsurpassed. This is an interesting exercise we shared as a group at our Labyrinth Circle one time . . . based on the Myth of the Hero investigating our "peak experiences". You might find it, as we did . . . very enlightening.
Peak Experiences
World renowned mythologist Joseph Campbell often noted that “peak experiences” in the Heroic Journey make possible the transformation of consciousness or “illumination”. The hero or heroine leaves the safety of the clan (home, family or community) and goes out, embarks on the quest, fights the dragon (tests), etc. . . . and returns transformed. He/she brings back this new understanding to the clan, and with it, the clan’s collective consciousness grows.
Choose a peak experience in your life:
1) Was it chosen or were you thrown into it?
2) Describe the landscape where you found yourself.
3) What was the quest?
4) Describe the temptations along the way.
5) Identify the dragons, the stumbling blocks and obstacles that locked you in or tried to hold you back.
6) Who were the mythological figures in your adventure? i.e.; the old man, woman, crone, teacher, king or queen, warrior, sorcerer, white knight, princess, the magician, the messenger, the witch, the holy one, etc.
7) When did you come to the edge of the abyss, the point of no return?
8) Who were the people who had been in the same place you were embarking on, your “guides”.
9) Can you identify the mythological theme you experienced?
10)Identify your Bliss, Illumination, Transformation . .
the gift you brought back to the clan.
11)Can you find your Center, the place where you can hear
your heartbeat and know it’s you?
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